Friday, October 22, 2010

Don't be jealous when I'm at Zealous

I love going to ZN to lift. When I go back to grappling, I have to figure out how to do machines there too!


Front press 65#
Mid row 100#
Shoulder press 65#
Pull ups 60# assisted 3 x 5
Dips 50# assisted 3 x 5
Bicep curls 20# (one hand - 8,6,4)
Swing 30# (12, 8, 6)

100 crunches
30 pushups

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Back at the gym

Yay! I am back at ZN. Two more weeks 'til grappling. Meanwhile...


Front press 65#
Mid row 95#
Shoulder press 65# (8, 5+1, 2+2)
Pullup 60# assisted 3 x 5
Dips 50# assisted 3 x 5
Bicep curls 20# (one hand - 8,6,4)
Swing 30# (12, 8, 6)

100 crunches
20 pushups

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Making due

So, I am at the hotel. There is this weird machine with pulleys. I made the best of it and tried to work my entire body with a lot of resistance. I also rode the bike for 25 minutes.

Monday, October 11, 2010


Worked from home. Had to do a quick workout.


Clean 55#
Press 55#
Bench 65#

100 crunch
5 jumping pull ups

Before the trip

Ugh. I will be working away from the office for a week and a half. Well, I'd better work out NOW.


Clean 60#
Press 60#
Squat 45#- legs need work
Bench 70#

100 crunches

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Weights at ZN

Front press 60# - can increase next time
Mid row 90#
Shoulder press 60#

Pull up - assisted - 5 x 3 at 60# - tough
Dips - assisted - 5 each 80#, 70#, 60#, 50#

Biceps 20# each arm - 8,6,4
Swing 30# - 12, 8, 6

100 crunches

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Don't get me down

I never realized how badly a sprained ankle can mess up your workout routine and motivation. My parents were visiting, but I usually squeeze in some workouts. I didn't do anything since last Tuesday.

Well, let's try again.

I was home today - slight stomach bug last night. So, I did some weights at home. Tried to lighten my usual and skip squats because my ankle is still not 100%.


Clean 55#
Press (standing) 55#
Bench 65#

100 crunches
5 jumping pull ups
4.2 miles bike (20 min, #2)